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Theme of the month "Depression "

Updated: Mar 19

Hi all. How are we all doing?

I know its been a while since my last post, but i promise I'm back with a bang 😊

I'd like to welcome you to the new theme of the month "Depression." As you may know, there's a high percentage of people who suffer from low moods and sometimes there may not even be a trigger for it.

Throughout this month, I want to place my focus on the types of depression, ways to manage and how to best support those with depression.

I thought it might be best to briefly talk about the types of depression. They can come in many forms and I find there's not always a fixed reason of why one may feel sad or low. Sometimes one may feel it just happen out of the blue.

I came across this image by @verywell that represents the common types of depression. Did you know about all of these types? Have you/someone you know experienced these? Feel free to share your experiences and build a supportive community.

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